Monday, August 23, 2010

This is the face of Down syndrome

This is the little girl that will change the way you think about people with disabilities.

She sure changed me.

She is more alike than different.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

When It's Hot Outside...

We go to the North Pole!  We spent the day at Santa's Workshop today as part of a family event through the Starlight Children's Foundation.

Faith and Gracie on a 'little kid' ride

Not too sure once it got going...

The big Candy Cane Slide

He loved it, really.

Faith, not so much...she was pretty quiet

Yes! It's over!

Eli won't admit it, but he liked it too.

Josh made quite a face!

Getting ready to ride the Space Shuttle

Major butterflies in our tummies on this one!

Dad's turn!

Riding the train...something is very exciting to Faith.

Sam and Daddy

Sweet, toothless Gracie

View from the train...Danger!

Another view from the train...some old wagon.

Gracie on the 'old time' car

Sam loved getting to ride all by his big self!

All of the excitement wore Faith out...nap time!

It was still stinking hot, but a few degrees cooler than down the mountain anyway.

Thank you Starlight Foundation!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Uh Oh....Here Comes Trouble!

Even though it was 90* in my house today (okay, maybe it was only 82*, but it sure FELT like 90*) I had a hankering for pie.  Peach pie.  Homemade peach pie.  So, while I was making the crust, I turned around and found this in my oven drawer...

Please, excuse the mess all over her dress...she eats like SUCH a baby!

Am I cute or what?

I'm not in trouble, am I Mama?

I can't wait to taste the pie I helped make...sorta!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Icky Sicky

Poor Faith.  She has yet another fever.  This is her 5th fever in about 8 weeks.   Only one of those fevers has an explanation...the one she got as a reaction to her MMR shot.     Last week at this time, she was running a fever up to 103* for about 8 hours.  Then, it was gone, just as quickly as it came.   I didn't worry too much because he blood work had just come back and it was fine.  Her 'counts' were pretty awesome and she was not neutropenic.  Now though, I worry, because like I said,  five fevers in the last 2 months seems worrisome to me!

As soon as I noticed that she was warm to the touch first thing this morning, I stuck the thermometer under her arm.  101.2*.   I called the pediatrician's office and of course, they wanted to see her.   3 hours later, enclosed in a tiny room, after an exam and a urine catheter, and me needing a drink because I had my 4 year old with me too we were sent away with a diagnosis of 'probably just teething'.   Her lungs were clear, her throat wasn't red, her ears were fine, she was playing happily...okay, she is teething, I'll go with that.

Hours later, she is running a 103.8* fever and cranky as all get out.  Red rimmed and teary eyes, along with her 'sad lip'...oh man, the sad lip gets me every time!

Somehow, I'm thinking it's not from teething after all.  Ugh.   But, school is in session and we've been around a lot of kids, so it's not surprising she is sick.   I just hate it when my girl is sick.   We did a lot of cuddling and nursing today...she was Velcro baby at her finest!

Here's to a good night's sleep and a MUCH better tomorrow.

Monday, August 16, 2010

16 Months

I can hardly believe my little love is already 16 months old.  Amazing!

Faith, what are you up to these days?

* You are 29.5 inches tall

* You weigh just over 18 pounds

* You are wearing mostly 12 month size clothing, though you can still fit in some 6-9 month size

* You have figured out how to climb up onto the coffee table (!)

* You are taking steps on your own, just a couple at a time

* You are signing more these days and understanding even more than you sign

* You got your first tooth!  A molar on the upper right side...and it looks like more teeth are coming soon!

You are developing at the level of a 12-13 month old, according to our therapist.   I love to watch you take your little steps.  I love to watch you cuddle your baby dolls and give them open mouth kisses. I love to watch you bear crawl your way around the house at full speed.    I love watching you look up to your brothers and sister with delight in your little almond eyes.

Faith, you are a wonderful blessing...full of happiness and joy!  You are a delight to wake up to each morning and fall asleep with each night, and each moment in between is even better!

I love you to the moon and back my little girl!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's Buddy Walk Time!

Will YOU walk for Faith?

Register here:      
under the name "TeamFaithJourney"...
If you can't walk with us, please consider making a donation to help Faith and others with Down syndrome in our community.

Thank you for your support!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Faces of Faith

Since I am utterly too tired from partying while the kids are in school hauling the kids to school and back I will just post some pictures...

Um, could she be ANY cuter???

Look! It's my LONG tongue!

She has started making this face ALL the time...not sure what that is about.


Yup...that face again.  She is super shocked about something!

All worn out from all those faces...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sometimes I Forget

Honestly.  Sometimes I truly forget that Faith has Down syndrome.   Quite often, actually.  I'm jolted back to reality of it when someone at the park asks if she has Down syndrome, or when a comment is made about how ' small she is for her age',  or when a doc that we've not seen before asks if she has any 'syndromes'.  

Oh yeah, she does.  She has Down syndrome.

Now though, when I get 'jolted' back to the reality that I have a child with Down syndrome, I am not horrified.  I am not sad.  I don't think about the 'what if's' anymore.  Instead, I am thankful.  Thankful that I have such an easy, fun loving and beautiful child...that just happens to have a little bit extra.  

I adore when Faith smiles and her little almond eyes wrinkle up....


How could I not be enchanted by her? 

She sparkles.

She shines.

Pure perfection in her Mama's eyes!